The Ministryof Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism decided to install generation
equipment in large-scale government-managed parks as an emergency power source
in a time of disaster. It plans to start testing in one or two of the 17
government-managed parks across the country. The equipment to be installed
generates by running a turbine using gases created by steaming fallen leaves
and dead branches. It is designed to keep high generation efficiency even with unhomogeneous
fuels. The ministry plans to put the technology into practical use in one year
in alliance with private companies.
electricity to be generated will be used for lighting inside the park normally
and for rescue activities in case of power outage in a disaster. The ministry
calculates that a government-managed park in Tokyo with an area of 1,650,000 square
meters can supply enough amount fallen leaves and dead branches to generate
about 10% of annual electricity demand. The ministry decision aims to decrease
the amount of plant trash by using weeds and fallen leaves as fuel. About
2,000,000 tons of plant trash is produced annually in this country, most of
which is incinerated while only a small amount is used for fertilizers.