Sunday, February 10, 2013

No. 73: Photovoltaic generation on the rooftop of an apartment building (February 10, 2013)

Business trend:
Leopalace21, one of Japan’s leading rental housing companies, will start the photovoltaic generation business using the rooftops of its 7,000 apartment buildings with an investment of about 30 billion yen. The company plans to recover the investment with the income from power sales in 20 years. Total generation capacity is 100,000 kW. The company will establish a special-purpose company. With the approval from the apartment owners, the company starts to install solar panels on the rooftops beginning in April. The installation is scheduled to end by March 2014.

Each apartment owner gets 3% of the expected revenue from power sales calculated in advance on the basis of the area of the rooftop and the amount of sunshine. Leopalace21 plans to establish multiple special-purpose companies, in which it will invest 5% each. The total output 100,000 kW can satisfy power demand of 33,000 households. The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy told that the largest mega solar would be constructed in Hokkaido by Softbank, one of Japan’s leading mobile carriers, that has a capacity of 110,000 kW as of October 2012. The project launched by Leopalce21 is close to the Softbank’s project, though it is a decentralized system. 

Photovoltaic generation using the rooftop of 
an apartment building launched by Leopalace21

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